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My life is better than Yours
Seb Zillner Remix

Vartoush (Mary Basmadjian) is a woman of many talents. Check out her latest venture into Trap Music.

Uber to Glendale

Vartoush (Mary Basmadjian) grabs an Uber with her driver Tyler (Scott Kidd) otherwise known as Kyler.

Vartoush Takes a Dip

Swim your way through gossip and drama with, “Shakeh, Vartoush and Hermik At The Pool”. This video debuted at The Big Bad Armo Show's "Summer Vacation" show, in between sketches. *With English Subtitles!

Vartoush & Hrush

Hrush Makeup Transformation Tutorial ft. Vartoush tota (Mary Basmadjian) in preparation for her Uber Driver son Vazgen’s wedding celebrations. "As long as the eyeliner is snatched, it's okay if the waist isn't"

Piso’s COVID-19 Meltdown

Piso (Mary Basmadjian) highlights her key priorities during the pandemic. Watch the breakdown unfold.

International Women’s Day

Vartoush (Mary Basmadjian) and Clodette (Helen Kalognomos) celebrate International Women’s Day by treating themselves to a cruise.

Kardashians New Babysitter

Vartoush (Mary Basmadjian) gets an offer from Kim to babysit the Kardashian kids. Watch as she lays down the rules and negotiate her babysitting rates.